Monday, November 1, 2010
4:48 PM
November 1, 2010
My life have been very confusing lately, one second he likes me and the next he's a complete devil. I don't know what to do...and its awkward in the class I have with him. I know that deeep down in his heart he likes me, but he won't admit it. He needs to man up and just face the truth. Can't wait until the semester ends so I don't have to go through all this BS.
In SS, i have to work in a group with 2 ppl, 1 talks all day long and tells stupid jokes, the other one laughs at ANYTHING and always have no clue what we're doing. *sigh*....we're gonna fail this project. In LA, we changed seats, now I sit next to AW #2 and JH. JH thinks that I'm really her friend. But truth is, I dont like her that much. Chinese is so fun sitting next to ES and behind CH. They're hilarious~~ I almost fell asleep in science and math, it was so finished my website in media tech and got it published. It looks nice.
After school, I went on the bus and sat in the back where the "8th graders" had claimed it. So when the 8th graders went on, CL #1 got squished by UT, and I..I sat next to CL#2 and RC. HW in 2 classes, and i have to study for the science test. my science teacher gives us too little time to study, she told us TODAY that we're gonna have a test TOMORROW.